Immerse yourself in Mixed Martial Arts fundamentals with an exceptional experience guided by UFC legend Georges St-Pierre.
Refine your MMA arsenal with essential takedown set-ups and techniques. When strikes are involved, everything changes. Learn to dominate your opponent from various stances and positions and learn the proper sequences that will help you control the fight.
THIS COURSE IS FOR EVERYONE – MEN, WOMEN AND KIDS. Equip yourself and your loved ones with simple and effective self-defense techniques designed for real-life situations. Learn to control and protect yourself in any confrontation, even when facing heavier or stronger aggressors.
Ground and pound is an art. Enhance your MMA game by mastering position control, transitions, and strategic strikes on the ground. Learn advanced techniques to maintain dominant positions, create openings, and inflict maximum damages to your opponent.
Take your MMA skills to the next level with exclusive training that blends striking technique and strategy. Learn the core components that define champions and ensure you dominate the striking portion of a fight.